CenteneGATE is a platform for the abandoned victims of insurance fraud, harassment, and intimidation perpetrated by Centene and its affiliates.

We are not shareholders nor short sellers; we are patients seeking justice for Centene’s illegal termination of policy-authorized treatment plans and refusal to pay for their patients’ legitimate claims.

CenteneGATE is working relentlessly to expose Centene and its co-conspirators’ malpractices and abuse of power through public records and factual information provided to us by people who are still working with them.

CenteneGATE is leading the charge against Centene CEO Michael Neidorff, who denied coverage to thousands of deserving patients through devising a scheme to reduce or eliminate payments.

CenteneGATE is a campaign dedicated to bringing justice to victims: a crucial step toward stopping Centene from further mistreating individuals seeking treatment in the future.

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